Tag Archives: Meeting notice





Dear members and supporters—

The Progressive Democrats of Benicia usually meet the second Tuesday of each month, but in honor of Valentine’s Day and to accommodate our next speaker’s schedule we are moving our February meeting to later in the month.

We are still working to finalize the date but we have a really exciting program lined up, so please stay tuned. A more complete announcement will follow soon.

Meeting Reflections – October 11, Lori Wilson & State Ballot Props

OCTOBER 11, 2022, 7:00 PM

Read summary reflections below.
Watch the Zoom recording here

Candidate for Assembly Lori Wilson

Our program this month featured Lori Wilson, our District 11 California Assembly Member, who is running for re-election. Ms. Wilson talked about issues facing the District and State.  (See recorded video for intro at minute 2:50 and Assemblywoman Wilson at 4:00.)

State Ballot Propositions

We also heard speakers and discussed the following important State ballot propositions:

  • Proposition 1: The Proposition is a legislatively proposed amendment to the California Constitution to prohibit the State from denying or interfering with an individual’s reproductive freedom in their most intimate decisions, which includes their fundamental right to choose to have an abortion and their fundamental right to choose or refuse contraceptives. Gina Fisher, Speakers Bureau Director of the Yes on Prop. 1, shared the campaign’s perspective on the proposition. (See recorded video at minute 32:00)
  • Proposition 28: The Proposition proposes to provide additional funding for arts and music education in all K-12 public schools by annually allocating from state General Fund an amount equaling 1% of required state and local funding for public schools and a greater allocation to schools serving economically disadvantaged areas. Danielle Bunch of Create CA spoke about why her group supports the proposition. (See recorded video at minute  49:21)
  • Proposition 30: Proposition 30 is the increasingly controversial proposition that proposes to fund programs to reduce greenhouse gasses by imposing taxes on Californian with personal incomes exceeding $2 million. Max Baumhefner, an attorney at the Natural Resources Defense Counsel, and a member of the coalition supporting the Yes on 30 campaign, will speak about the need for the proposition. (See recorded video at minute 1:08:08)

Local Candidates Birdseye and Scott

We heard from our two endorsed candidates for Benicia City Council, who shared recent campaign efforts and the need for volunteers in these final weeks before the Nov 8 election. See the recorded video – Terry Scott spoke at minute 1:24:54 and Kari Birdseye spoke at minute  1:27:04.

Valero/Labor PAC Update and discussion

Mayor Steve Young offered comments about the Valero/Labor PAC’s apparent lack of involvement this year (so far) in supporting or opposing candidates for Benicia City Council. The PAC is sitting on a war chest of over $220,000, and PDB members have not received any mailers from the PAC as yet.  The PAC has yet to file a campaign finance report with the City of Benicia, which would indicate that they have not exceeded $1,000 for or against any given candidate.


  • A member promoted the October 12, 2022 local Candidate Forum, sponsored by the League of Women Voters Solano and the American Association of University Women. [Later: recording of the Forum is now available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m49BYWS4bg ]
  • This member also shared information about Benicia Voice Podcast, available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts at https://anchor.fm/beniciavoice/.  Recent Benicia Voice topics have included Clean and Fair Elections in Benicia and interviews with all five candidates for Benicia City Council.
  • A member shared information about a SafeQuest Solano fundraiser, Art From the Heart, on October 24.  SafeQuest Solano organizes domestic violence and sexual assault response programs.
  • This member also encouraged members to consider serving on the PDB Steering Committee. PDB is also looking for someone to serve as our next club Secretary.
  • A member concluded with a reminder for all members to vote, and to remind all family members and friends to vote.
  • NEXT MEETING: November 15, 2022 at 7 PM.