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Progressive Democrats endorse Kari Birdseye & Dana Dean

Kari Birdseye for City Council, and Dana Dean for Solano County Board of Education

At its August 14 membership meeting, the Progressive Democrats of Benicia interviewed Democratic candidates for Benicia City Council and Solano County School Board. Ballots were cast, and today were made public.

Kari Birdseye for Benicia City Council

Only one of two declared Democratic candidates for City Council received a majority vote earning endorsement: Kari Birdseye. The Progressive Democrats of Benicia are proud to endorse Planning Commission chair Birdseye. Find out more about Kari and offer your support at her campaign website,, and be in touch on her Facebook page.

Christina Strawbridge, candidate for Benicia City Council

Democratic candidate for City Council and member of Progressive Democrats of Benicia Christina Strawbridge narrowly lost her bid for endorsement.  Find out more about Christina at her campaign website,  and be in touch on her Facebook page.

Dana Dean for Solano County Board of Education

Also interviewed was candidate for Solano County School Board Dana Dean.  Dana is unopposed in her bid for re-election, and was also endorsed by a majority of Progressive Democrats at last night’s meeting. In her presentation, she declared victory, as no other candidate has filed to run against her.  Find out more about Dana at her campaign website, and be in touch on her Facebook page.

PDB Meeting: August 14, 7:00 pm

General meeting, Tuesday August 14, 7:00 pm

Dona Benicia Room of the Benicia Library


The agenda for our August 14 meeting focused on members voting on who the Club should endorse in the Benicia City Council races.

Two Council seats are open for election. All registered Democrats who have announced to run for City Council will be invited to speak before members, after which members will cast votes.

Image result for agenda

Prior to the endorsements discussion, the agenda should also include comments from two progressive candidates running for local offices – Mark Maselli, Benicia School Board candidate, and Dana Dean, who is running for reelection to the Solano County Board of Education, for Trustee 3 Area (which includes Benicia and eastern Vallejo).

Benicia City Council race: Hughes & Schwartzman not running, Birdseye & Strawbridge official

[NOTE: The Progressive Democrats of Benicia have not yet endorsed any candidate for the November election.  Posting of this article does not constitute endorsement.]

City Clerk posts only 3 candidates for City Council at deadline

At close of business on Friday, August 10, City Clerk Lisa Wolfe listed only three candidates who filed to run for the two open seats on Benicia’s City Council in November’s election.

Rumors had been circulating that both incumbents had decided against running again.  But until Friday, no one was sure.  Now it’s certain: Councilmembers Mark Hughes and Alan Schwartzman will not run.  City Council will definitely have a different look after this November’s election – including at least one more woman.

Christina Strawbridge, candidate for Benicia City Council

Both Christina Strawbridge (a Democrat and member of Progressive Democrats of Benicia) and Lionel Largaespada (a Republican) declared as candidates soon after their defeat in the 2016 election that they would run again in 2018.  Both have filed and are in the race.

Progressive Democrats of Benicia will strongly oppose Largaespada, who is on record in favor of Crude by Rail.

(NOTE: the PDB mistakenly stated that Mr. Largaespada opposes a Benicia Industrial Safety Ordinance, and for that we apologize. We do not know what his position on an ISO is, and we hope he discloses it to the community before the election.  In his own words, “On ISO, I’m keeping an open mind.”)

Kari Birdseye, candidate for Benicia City Council

The new face on the ballot will be Kari Birdseye, currently chair of Benicia’s Planning Commission and a member of Progressive Democrats of Benicia.*

* Note that Kari has stepped down from the Progressive Democrats of Benicia Steering Committee for the duration of the campaign to avoid any conflict of interest.