Category Archives: Meeting notices

PDB Meeting: August 14, 7:00 pm

General meeting, Tuesday August 14, 7:00 pm

Dona Benicia Room of the Benicia Library


The agenda for our August 14 meeting focused on members voting on who the Club should endorse in the Benicia City Council races.

Two Council seats are open for election. All registered Democrats who have announced to run for City Council will be invited to speak before members, after which members will cast votes.

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Prior to the endorsements discussion, the agenda should also include comments from two progressive candidates running for local offices – Mark Maselli, Benicia School Board candidate, and Dana Dean, who is running for reelection to the Solano County Board of Education, for Trustee 3 Area (which includes Benicia and eastern Vallejo).

PDB Meeting – July 12th, 7:00 PM

General meeting Thursday July 12, 7:00 pm

Dona Benicia Room of the Benicia Library

  • Speaker: Lynette Henley, California Democratic Party (CDP) Region 2 Director.  Lynette has agreed to give her insights and thoughts on the state of the California Democratic Party prior to the general elections, now that the primaries have set the candidates.
  • Agenda (download) Highlights:
    • Flip 14: voter registrations; Benicia ISO next steps.
    • Ms. Lynette Henley, Region 2 Director, CA Democratic Party/Solano Co Democratic Central Committee member: June 6 Primary results. Suggestions on how PDB can best focus its efforts on the races and candidates in the November 6th election.
    • Benicia School Board Trustee elections. Panel discussion.
    • CA-10: Jeff Denham (R) v. Josh Harder (D). PDB support for ongoing operations in Tracy, which resume July 14th, to elect Josh Harder on November 6. (See handout.)
    • PDB Endorsement committee and process for November races and candidates.
  • Invitation letter from PDB Chairperson Ralph Dennis, 7/5/18
  • Draft 6/18/18 minutes – for approval

PDB media release, July 6, 2018: “Benicia Progressive Democrats Meeting on July 12”


Contact:  Ralph Dennis, 502-523-2872

Benicia Progressive Democrats Meeting on July 12 at Benicia Library  

Benicia, CA  (July 7, 2018) – The Progressive Democrats of Benicia (PDB) will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, July 12 at 7 p.m. at the Benicia Library’s Dona Benicia Room. The library is located at 150 E L Street, Benicia.  The meeting is open to the public, and the community is invited to attend.

According to Ralph Dennis, PDB Chair, “We will be focusing much of the discussion at this meeting on upcoming elections in Benicia and statewide and what our Club can do to support progressive-minded candidates. Lynette Henley, Region 2 Director for the California Democratic Party, will discuss the recent June Primary results and offer suggestions on how PDB can best marshal its members in support of the November elections.  We will also discuss the Benicia School Board Trustee elections, where three of the five Trustees are up for reelection, as well as California Congressional District 10 (Oakdale, Manteca, Modesto, Tracy),where we hope to help unseat the Republican incumbent.”

Progressive Democrats of Benicia is a local organization founded in 2017 and chartered by the Solano County Democratic Party with membership from Benicia, Vallejo, and Fairfield. Additional information on the meeting is available at PDB’s web site