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Meeting Reflections – February 22, 2023

FEBRUARY 22, 2023


Our February meeting was held on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 via Zoom. The recorded video of the meeting can be accessed here.

  • Call to Order
  • Acknowledgements
  • U.S. Congressman John Garamendi
  • Special School Board Election discussion and candidate
  • Steering Committee Elections
  • Vote on letter regarding gun violence
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Wrap-up

John Garamendi, our new US Congressman, was our guest.  He brought a report on what is going on with the new House of Representatives as well as what the Democrats may be able to accomplish in the next two years. He then fielded a number of questions from members and attendees.

“Special Vacancy” BUSD Board of Trustees Election in District 5

District 5 in Benicia is having an election for school board on April 11, 2023.  Benicia Unified School District Board President Sheri Zada discussed the background behind the special election, and introduced the candidate the board originally selected, Ariana Martinez.

Candidate Ariana Martinez spoke about why she is running and answered questions from members and attendees.

Officer Elections

Officer elections were held (all positions are a two-year commitment).

Vote on Gun Violence Reduction Letter

Members voted to support a letter directed to Congressional Representatives regarding gun violence reduction. See the text of the letter below.


  • Mayor Young made these announcements:
    • March 7, 2023 City Council meeting with a discussion of the water reuse plan
    • On March 21, 2023 at 6:00 pm the City will issue a proclamation in honor of Roger Straw, and all are invited to attend
    • On March 25, 2023 from 8 to 5 the City will hold a Goal Setting Workshop open to all
  • NEXT MEETING: March 14, 2022 at 7:00 pm

As a reminder, only dues-paying members are eligible to vote in the  essential club business that will occur throughout the year.  Your membership is your voice in these vital matters. If you have questions about your membership, please contact us.

For only $20, you can reactivate your membership by clicking this link to pay your annual dues. While you’re there, please consider making an additional donation to help fund PDB’s future activities. Not only will your generosity help us keep our forward momentum, it will also give you a voice in the club, allowing you to vote on important matters and help us execute essential club business.

>>  Yes – Renew my Membership!

[Note: As a reminder, the text below represents a letter PDB and other Democratic clubs in the county have been asked to sign. We will be voting as a club on whether or not we sign this letter. Be sure to renew your membership if you wish to vote on this matter.]


Dear Congressmembers Garamendi and Thompson,

As you know, in the last month, there has been a spate of mass killings in California all of which involved some type of automatic weapon.

A time comes when a rational person simply says enough: this must change.

To its credit the 117th Congress last year passed HR 1808, the assault weapons ban.

We want to thank both of you for affirming publicly your support for this bill and voting for it on the floor.

We want to thank Congressman Garamendi for his ongoing support as a current co sponsor of HR 698 (Assault Weapons Regulation) and look forward to hearing the same from Congressman Thompson.

We want our children and grandchildren to be safe when they go to school, fellow citizens safe when they go to work and safe when we go about doing our daily tasks. We strongly support an automatic weapons ban and intend to make working and advocating for such a ban a priority in our organizations.

Thank you,
[The Progressive Democrats of Benicia]





Dear members and supporters—

The Progressive Democrats of Benicia usually meet the second Tuesday of each month, but in honor of Valentine’s Day and to accommodate our next speaker’s schedule we are moving our February meeting to later in the month.

We are still working to finalize the date but we have a really exciting program lined up, so please stay tuned. A more complete announcement will follow soon.