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Meeting Reflections – April 11, 2023

APRIL 11, 2023


Our April meeting was held on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 via Zoom.


  • Call to Order
  • Quorum
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Acknowledgements
  • Announcements
  • Program
    • Benicia’s Budget Crisis: The Problem and Potential Solutions
  • Wrap Up – Actions


  • Diversity Festival – April 22, 11 to 5,  at Benicia Marina.   It’s Free!
  • City council meeting on the budget –  April 25, 2023
  • Solano County Democratic Central Committee Barbeque in the Park – May 20, 2023, Allan Witt Park in Fairfield, flyer to follow


The focus of the meeting was “Benicia’s Budget Crisis: The Problem and Potential Solutions.”  Our city budget’s multi-million dollar shortfall stretches far beyond this year, into the indefinite future.  It forces all of us to confront some tough funding decisions:

  • What City services are at risk?
  • Is there a tax increase in the future?
  • How can we increase the City’s revenues?
  • What other solutions are available?

“Benicia’s Budget Crisis” Panel

Mayor Steve Young, County Supervisor Monica Brown and Assistant City Manager Bret Prebula, who was Benicia’s Finance Director up until December 2022, explained the nature and extent of this serious challenge and discussed potential approaches to generating revenue or cutting costs.  The panel answered questions during an extended Q&A period.

Here is the link to the video recording of this important meeting! If asked, enter the passcode:   =N5u4#Rm

Monthly Action

Email the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Staff to support refinery fenceline systems that work.

How to comment
  • IMPORTANT: the deadline for comments is Thursday, April 20 at 5pm. Don’t delay! Please act now.
  • Please send your comment to Joe Lapka at [email protected]
  • Please put in the subject line: “Comment on Revised Draft Refinery Fenceline Air Monitoring Plans for Valero, Phillips 66, Tesoro and Chevron.”

See the Action Alert at this link emailed to all members and friends on April 13, 2023 for more details.

Next Meeting: May 9, 2023 at 7:00 pm

Our next meeting will focus on Valero – Problems and Potential Local Solutions. You won’t want to miss this important meeting.

See you on Zoom, Tuesday, May 9 at 7:00 PM! Please invite your friends and anyone who is interested in keeping Benicia thriving.


Our Next Meeting – Tuesday, April 11

TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 2023, 7:00 PM



The Progressive Democrats of Benicia invite all interested Benicians to our April 11 meeting. We were really looking forward to seeing everyone in person, but due to COVID and illness we are switching back to Zoom.  We look forward to seeing everyone in the future when we are all well.  Please see use the Zoom details below to sign in to our meeting.

The focus of the meeting will be “Benicia’s Budget Crisis: The Problem and Potential Solutions.”  Our city budget’s multi-million dollar shortfall stretches far beyond this year, into the indefinite future.  It forces all of us to confront some tough funding decisions:

  • What City services are at risk?
  • Is there a tax increase in the future?
  • How can we increase the City’s revenues?
  • What other solutions are available?

“Benicia’s Budget Crisis” Panel

Mayor Steve Young, County Supervisor Monica Brown and Assistant City Manager Bret Prebula, who was Benicia’s Finance Director up until December 2022, will explain the nature and extent of this serious challenge and discuss potential approaches to generating revenue or cutting costs.  There will then be an opportunity for extended Q&A period.

Everyone is welcome, regardless of whether you are PDB members or Benicia residents.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 879 6756 0168
One tap mobile: +16694449171

Don’t miss this important meeting!

See you on Zoom, Tuesday, April 11 at 7:00 PM! Please invite your friends and anyone who is interested in keeping Benicia thriving.

Meeting Reflections – March 14, 2023

March 14, 2023

Our March meeting was held on  Tuesday, March 14, 2023 via Zoom.

  • Call to Order
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Acknowledgements/Announcements
  • BUSD-5th Dist. Candidate – Ali Mansouri
  • Jed Holtzman, RMI
  • Igor Tregub, CA Solar & Storage Assn.
  • Wrap-up


  • Benicia Community Air Monitoring Program (BCAMP) Forum
    • March 27, 2023 at 7 pm – Air Quality, Monitoring & Human Health Risk
    • Register:
    • Panel:
      • Dr. Marjaneh Moini, Oncologist; Physicians for Social Responsibility
      • Don Gamiles, President, Argos Scientific
      • Eric Stevenson, former mgr. BAAQMD; Argos
  • Solano Pride Center – Trans Day of Visibility Rally
    • Friday, March 31, 2023 at 4 pm at 675 Texas Street, Fairfield
  • BBQ in the Park for Solano County Democrats
    • May 20, 2023 at Allan Witt Park in Fairfield
    • Seeking art donations for the Silent Art and Dessert Auction
  • Poetry Reading from Yearning to Breathe Free at the Benicia Public Library, March 19, 2023 at 3 pm
  • City Council Meeting March 21, 2023 at 6 pm will honor Roger Straw. All are invited to attend.
  • March 25, 2023 City Council Annual Goal Setting Meeting 8:30 to 4:30 at Benicia Public Library . All are invited to attend.
  • March 28, 2023 6 pm – special City Council meeting focusing on the pedestrian bridge replacement options
  • City Council will hold several meetings about the budget April through June
  • NEXT MEETING: April 11, 2022 at 6:30 pm in person at the Library


District 5 BUSD “Special Vacancy” Election

We heard from District 5 School Board candidate Dr. Ali Mansouri. He spoke about his background, why he is running, and answered questions from members and attendees.

The recorded video of this section of the meeting can be accessed here.  In addition, the recorded video of District 5 candidate Ariana Martinez from last month’s meeting can be accessed here.

As a reminder, only residents of District 5 are eligible to vote in the April 11 election.

Methane Gas in the Home: What You Need to Know

blue gas flames from a gas stoveGuest speaker Jed Holtzman from RMI (formerly the Rocky Mountain Institute) gave a presentation on how much our gas appliances contribute to air pollution, how new regulations proposed by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) could help address the issue, and how they may impact us.  The recorded video of this section of the meeting can be accessed here.

Home Electrification

Kathy Kerridge gave a brief presentation on converting home gas appliances to electric and recommended Green, Blue, and You with useful information for home conversion and upgrades.  The recorded video of this section of the meeting can be accessed here.

Why You May Want to Get Solar Nowtwo workers install rooftop solar panels

Our second guest speaker, Igor Tregub, Director of Strategic Partnerships at the CA Solar and Storage Association and Chair of the California Democratic Party Environmental Caucus, spoke about the recent changes made by the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) to how utilities will pay for power from rooftop solar, and provided a lot of useful information needed to make decisions about solar.  The recorded video of this section of the meeting can be accessed here.

To lock in the most favorable rates you must submit the following to your utility BY APRIL 14:

  • a complete and correct interconnection application to your utility;
  • a signed contract with a solar provider;
  • a single-line diagram;
  • a complete California Contractor’s State License Solar Energy System disclosure document;
  • a signed California Solar Consumer Protection Guide; and
    an oversizing attestation (if applicable).

Action: Letter Writing with Vote Forward

You are encouraged to all to sign up for letter writing for the upcoming Wisconsin Supreme Court election through Vote Forward. A member will host a letter writing party on Thursday March 23, 2023. Contact us for details.

Your Membership in PDB – One Last Reminder

If you haven’t yet, please renew your PDB membership by clicking this link to pay your annual $20 in membership dues. While you’re there, please consider making an additional donation to help fund PDB’s future activities.

>>  Yes – Renew my Membership!