Tag Archives: Benicia elections

Our Next Meeting – WEDNESDAY, September 4

WEDNESDAY, SEPT 4, 2024, 7:00 PM



Dear members and supporters—

The Progressive Democrats of Benicia (PDB) will host a candidate forum TOMORROW, Wednesday, September 4, at 7pm via Zoom (sign-in details are below and on our website).   This virtual event, which is free and open to all regardless of city of residence or political party, will feature interviews with Democratic candidates vying for local office.  (Find out more about our guests below.)

This is YOUR opportunity to engage with local Democratic candidates and gain insights into their positions on key issues affecting Benicia and to learn about the important measures on this fall’s ballot.  We ask that you share this notice to your family, friends and network.  Everyone is welcome.

Endorsement Interviews

At our meeting, we will be interviewing Kashanna Harmon-Lee (left), one of the candidates for the Benicia Unified School District Board of Education – Area 3, which is generally between 780, Rose Drive and west of Grove Circle.  For details, see the pink area on this map:  BeniciaUSD_Trustee_Areas_Scenario1.pdf.  We will also interview and endorse Shannon Frisinger and Rosemary Thurston (Incumbent) for the Solano Community College District that includes Benicia.

The November election will have some important local tax measures on the ballot; we will vote whether or not to endorse these as well. Measure G (Charter City) and Measure H (Real Estate Property Tax). Maggie Kolk will talk about the Citizens’ Initiative to Save our Streets, Measure F.  David Lindsay will speak about CA Prop. 5 that would lower the electoral hurdle for housing bond issues from 67% to 55%.

Zoom Details

The link and sign-in information for most PDB membership meetings in 2024 is below. 

Topic: PDB General Meeting
Time: September 4, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 7382 1941
Passcode: 528756

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,86273821941#,,,,*528756# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,86273821941#,,,,*528756# US

Why Endorse?

Democratic club endorsements like these matter in local elections because they provide the candidates and causes we believe in most with crucial grassroots support. Clubs like PDB often promote their endorsed candidates and help them build name recognition, connect to important volunteer and professional networks, and access Party resources that can elevate campaigns to the next level. Additionally, voters often use club endorsements to help them select candidates.

An endorsement from a PDB is a strategic asset for any Democratic candidate–led campaign, even if the candidate doesn’t identify as progressive. Ours is a big tent – all registered Democrats are invited and welcome to seek endorsement from the club. Our Club may only endorse Democratic candidates, per our by-laws.

Have You Checked Your Voter Registration?

While we have your attention, don’t wait until the last minute to find out there are issues with your voter registration! If you haven’t voted in a long time, if you moved and want to make sure your registration is exactly as it should be, or if you’re just double-checking, you can check your registration at the Secretary of State’s website. This website also gives you helpful information like your polling location, language preference and more.

Check Your Voter Registration! (CA)

Our Next Meeting – MONDAY, August 26

MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 2024, 7:00 PM



Dear members and supporters—

The Progressive Democrats of Benicia (PDB) will host a candidate forum on Monday, August 26, at 7pm via Zoom (sign-in details are below and on our website).   But before we get into that, please save the date for our next endorsement meeting.

Save Wed. 9/4 for Next Endorsements

Please save 7pm on Wednesday, September 4 for our next endorsement meeting.   We will hold it over Zoom.   We will be interviewing Benicia School Board and Solano Community College Board candidates, and hearing about the ballot measures Benicia will be voting on in November.  

This is an important meeting,  and very early as well as not on our usual schedule, so please save the date if you would like to participate!  

The Zoom information for our meetings is the same every month so you can copy and paste the link below in your calendar for 8/26 AND 9/4.  

Monday, August 26 Benicia City Council Endorsements

Monday’s virtual event, which is free and open to all regardless of city of residence or political party, will feature interviews with four Democratic candidates vying for local office.

This is YOUR opportunity to engage with local Democratic candidates and gain insights into their positions on key issues affecting Benicia.  We ask that you share this notice to your family, friends and network so you can all hear directly from the candidates as you make up your minds for the November ballot.  Everyone is welcome.

Zoom Details

The link and sign-in information for most PDB membership meetings in 2024 is below. 

Topic: PDB General Meeting
Time: August 26, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 7382 1941
Passcode: 528756

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,86273821941#,,,,*528756# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,86273821941#,,,,*528756# US

We look forward to seeing you Monday, August 26 at 7:00 pm via Zoom!

Get to Know the Candidates!

The Democratic candidates for Benicia City Council (in alphabetical order) are Christina Gilpin-Hayes, Trevor Macenski (Incumbent), and Franz Rosenthal (website coming soon to franzforbenicia.com). (Photos provided by candidates.)

Benicia’s incumbent Mayor Steve Young), who is seeking reelection, will also be requesting PDB’s endorsement.

The forum will include a series of prepared questions for the candidates, followed by an opportunity for attendees to participate in a Q&A session.  Learn more about the candidates before the forum by clicking their names or images to visit their websites.  PDB is a chartered Democratic club and may only endorse Democratic candidates, per our by-laws.

Have You Checked Your Voter Registration?

While we have your attention, don’t wait until the last minute to find out there are issues with your voter registration!  If you haven’t voted in a long time, if you moved and want to make sure your registration is exactly as it should be, or if you’re just double-checking, you can check your registration at the Secretary of State’s website.  This website also gives you helpful information like your polling location, language preference and more.

Check Your Voter Registration! (CA)

Meeting Notes – February 13, 2024

FEBRUARY 13, 2024


Our January general membership meeting was held on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, at 7pm, via Zoom.


  • Call to Order
  • Quorum
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Acknowledgements/Announcements
  • Program
    • Measure C – Sheri Zada and Damon Wright
    • Update – Christopher Cabaldon campaign
    • Fiesta La Primavera – Sheri Leigh
    • Solano County Board of Supervisors District 1 Candidates Forum
      • Cassandra James
      • Michael Wilson
  • Wrap Up – Next Meeting March 12, 2024


  • Feb. 24 – Cooking with Alice – NSDC fundraiser with Congressman Mike Thompson
  • Feb. 24 – Passion for Performance, Fundraiser
  • Feb. 29 – Making the Democratic Process Work for You – Kathy Kerridge & Mary Ruth Gross, 350 Bay Area – Better World Event on Zoom
  • March 5 – Vote for SCDCC Representatives
  • May 18 – PDB Fundraiser – Champagne Brunch – SAVE THE DATE and join the planning committee to help with the event!


Measure C on the March 5th ballot will fund critical facilities improvements for our schools

  • Building repairs and improvements
  • Classroom renovation and upgrades
  • HVAC system
  • Science and technology lab construction
  • Student access to computer technology
  • Improves health, safety, student achievement and security

We heard from School Board President Sheri Zada and Superintendent Dr. Damon Wright in support of this important measure. Dr. Wright fielded questions.

Endorsed Candidate Update

Christopher Cabaldon updated us on his campaign.

Fiesta La Primavera

Sheri Leigh updated us on her advocacy to dismantle Benicia’s La Migra’ games, and announced an alternative Spring Break celebration event in collaboration with the Solano AIDS Coalition: Fiesta Primavera,   taking place on March 23 at Gazebo Park in Benicia.

Solano County Board of Supervisors District 1 Candidates Forum

We heard from the two candidates who are running for County Supervisor for District 1, and both candidates fielded questions.   The candidates (in alphabetical order) are Cassandra James, incumbent, and Michael Wilson. Both candidates fielded questions from members.

Membership Poll

We have offered members an opportunity to vote on which candidate to endorse via the PDB website.  The bylaws state “New Members shall be entitled to vote on all Club matters sixty (60) days after payment of dues. Existing members, upon payment of membership renewal dues, shall be eligible immediately to vote on all Club matters.”

Meeting Link

Here is a link to the video recording of this important meeting! If asked, enter the passcode: skMZ^h59

Next Meeting: Tuesday March 12, 7:00 pm on Zoom

Don’t miss this important meeting!