Meeting of September 10, 2019 – Climate issues in California legislature

September 10, Tues 7:00 pm
Benicia Library
Dona Benicia room

  • How are actions on climate change issues faring in the CA Legislature? Still time to help?
  • Also, a vote on a bylaws change.

We heard from our powerful and highly informative featured speaker, Kathy Dervin, Co-Chair of 350 Bay Area Legislative Committee and a consulting professional with a Master of Public Health (MPH) focused in Health Education/Environmental Health.

Kathy presented a compelling overview of pending legislation relating to Climate Change (see bold text below).  She also covered

We made plans to post here and send out by email an URGENT CALL TO ACTION!  > With only three days to the close of the California Legislature’s  session (until Sept 13th), everyone was asked to call Assembly member Grayson and Senator Dodd’s office ASAP to advocate on the following bills: (see details at URGENT! Call our representatives today!! or download the list)

The vote on a bylaws change passed unanimously.  New language for Bylaws Article V. C. – New Members shall be entitled to vote on all Club matters sixty (60) days after payment of dues. Existing members, upon payment of membership renewal dues, shall be eligible immediately to vote on all Club matters.

McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants “Moscow Mitch”

Progressive Dems of Benicia – ENJOY!

Video by WKMS News, Published on Aug 3, 2019

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell jabbed at political rivals on stage at the Fancy Farm Picnic in rural Graves County, Kentucky, on August 3 before a crowd divided by party line – with Republican supporters on one side and jeering Democrats on the other, the latter chanting “Moscow Mitch.”

Kentucky Democrats are capitalizing on the viral nickname following criticism over McConnell’s blocking of legislation designed to protect the political system against a foreign attack.

Letter: Roger Straw on Benicia Lights for Liberty

Benicia Standing Strong – support for better conditions at the US border, vigil here on Friday

By Roger Straw, The Benicia Independent, July 11, 2019

Benicia Lights for Liberty - Friday, July 12, 2019, 7 PM, City Park Gazebo, First Street, Benicia, CA
Benicia Lights for Liberty – Fri., July 12, 2019, 7 PM, City Park Gazebo, 1st Street, Benicia, CA

Our daily news is overflowing on the tragic conditions at our southern border. The tv and print reporters are on it, and some of our leaders in Washington, D.C. are on it. But the Trump administration keeps on separating children from their parents, detaining, caging and even abusing desperate humans who have fled their homes and appealed to the greatness of the Land of Liberty, appealed to you and me, asking for a hearing, for asylum, for the long-held open-armed welcome of the USA.

Emma Lazarus wrote an American treasure, and we have offered it to the world: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” – As it appears on the statue of liberty, offering freedom, safety and prosperity to all the world.

The reporters and some in power are on it, but you and I find it difficult to know what to do. Join me in a moving and informative candlelight vigil this Friday at the gazebo in City Park. Our vigil here in Benicia will be one of over 600 such events across the USA and around the world on July 12, calling for an end to human detention camps, and offering ways to help effect change.

Come to Benicia City Park from 7-9pm this Friday, July 12. Gather near the gazebo, check out the information tables and the art, listen to the music and song, hear the stories of those who work with immigrants and asylum seekers, and find out more about what WE can do to help.

Thank you to all who care about this tragic situation, and all who helped organize this important event here in Benicia.

Roger Straw

More info and optional rsvp on Benicia Lights for Liberty (Facebook)
More info on Lights For Liberty national and international

Equity & Justice For All