Category Archives: Endorsements

Warren Tops in Local Club’s Democratic Candidate Poll

Club vote was highly competitive – no candidate achieved 51% for endorsement

Senator Elizabeth Warren was the top vote-getter in a recent poll of Democratic presidential candidates taken by the Progressive Democrats of Benicia (PDB), a local political club. Warren received 36.8% of the votes cast, with Sen. Bernie Sanders placing second at 28.9%. Also receiving votes were Amy Klobuchar with 21.1% and Pete Buttigieg with 13.2%. Candidates Joe Biden, Mike Bloomberg, and Tulsi Gabbard each received no votes.

The poll was the culmination of a panel discussion held on February 12 in Benicia by PDB in which representatives of six Democratic candidates for President had a lively exchange of ideas with an overflow audience at the Benicia Library. Members of PDB were eligible to cast votes through Feb. 19.

Ralph Dennis, chair of PDB, was pleased with voting and said “that’s a pretty strong showing by Warren among our members” but explained that it wasn’t enough to receive the Club’s endorsement which required 50% plus one of all votes cast. “This was the first time we allowed voting through our web site, and a lot of the votes were cast online after the meeting,” Dennis added. He believes the club will use the online voting option in future endorsements or polls conducted.

Well over one-half of the votes cast in the club’s poll were for one of the two progressive candidates in the race – Warren and Sanders. Dennis said that “this shows there is a strong progressive sentiment in this community which wants to see substantive change in Washington.” Dennis also recognized that the combined votes for Klobuchar and Buttigieg were 35.3%, reflecting, he said, “the current quandary among Democratic party analysts between progressive and moderate political positions within the national party and how it should best represent itself to defeat President Trump in November.”

A recent poll released on February 18 by the Public Policy Institute of California shows Sanders leading in California’s Presidential primary with 32% of likely voters. Biden, Buttigieg, Bloomberg, and Warren were in a statistical tie at 14%, with Klobuchar at 5%. California’s primary is March 3 and voting by mail-in ballot is already underway.  Details on the Solano County website,

Progressive Democrats endorse Mike Thompson and Monica Brown

Congratulations to Mike and Monica!!!
Endorsed by PDB for Reelection!!!

At our General Membership meeting on Nov. 12 2019, members met to consider endorsements for two races in the March 2020 Primaries. And the winners are …

Congressman Mike Thompson received the endorsement of PDB members for reelection to the U. S. Congressional District 5 seat, and incumbent Solano County Supervisor Monica Brown was endorsed for reelection as District 2 Supervisor.

Both Mike and Monica received 67.6% of the votes cast at the meeting.

During the meeting, we also heard from Jason Kishineff, who is running against Mike Thompson, and from two challengers for the District 2 spot – Rochelle Sherlock and K. Patrice Williams.

PDB to endorse a candidate for California Democratic Party Chair

California Democratic Party Chair Election
PDB Candidate Endorsement Discussion
May 14, 2019

The California Democratic Party (CADEM) will elect its State Chair during the State Convention in San Francisco, May 31 – June 2. Five candidates are running for the four-year term as CADEM’s State Chair. The candidates are:

    • Lenore Albert-Sheridan
    • Kimberly Ellis
    • Rusty Hicks
    • Daraka Larimore-Hall
    • Mike Katz-Lacabe

Progressive Democrats of Benicia will discuss the Party Chair race during our May 14 General Membership meeting. After the discussion, members will be given an opportunity to vote to endorse one candidate for State Chair. A candidate receiving 50% + 1 of the votes cast by members present will win the PDB endorsement.


  1.  brief biographical information on each candidate

  2.  summary of responses from the candidates to PDB questions asked at an April 7 candidates’ forum in Vallejo