Category Archives: California Politics

Congratulations to our Endorsed 2024 Candidates for Benicia School Board & Tax Measures

Dear Members and Supporters:

The Progressive Democrats of Benicia (PDB) are proud to announce their endorsements for the upcoming Benicia School Board – Area 3 and Solano Community College Board – Area 3 elections, as well as their positions on local ballot measures.

Candidate Endorsements

After interviewing Democratic candidates for Benicia School Board – Area 3 (which is generally between 780, Rose Drive and west of Grove Circle, including Robert Semple Elementary School) and Solano Community College Board Area – 3 (which includes Benicia as well as parts of Vallejo, and Suisun City), the PDB membership has voted to endorse:

  • Kashanna Harmon-Lee for Benicia School Board – Area 3
  • Shannon Frisinger for Solano Community College Board – Area 3

Congratulations to these candidates, whose impressive qualifications, leadership experience, and commitment to student success clearly resonated with voting members who share their vision for fostering safe, supportive schools and educational spaces.

Kashanna Harmon-Lee, Candidate for Benicia School Board Area 3 Trustee. | Nancy Rothstein for Kashanna Harmon-Lee for Benicia School Board 2024.

Ballot Measure Endorsements

After the candidate interviews, Mayor Steve Young and City Manager Mario Giuliani answered questions about local ballot measures and their potential impacts on the City of Benicia, including Measures G and H. Maggie Kolk from the Benicia Save Our Streets Committee presented information about Measure F.

The club also learned about Proposition 5 (CA), which would allow local bonds for affordable housing and public infrastructure with 55% voter approval.

After the presentations, PDB membership has voted to endorse:

  • YES on Measure F: A citizen’s initiative proposing a 1/2 cent sales tax for street repairs and maintenance.
  • YES on Measure G: A proposal to adopt a City Charter, allowing voters to consider enacting a real property transfer tax.
  • YES on Measure H: A sliding real property transfer tax to invest in essential city services.
  • YES on Proposition 5: Allow local bonds for affordable housing and public infrastructure with 55% voter approval.


Thank You…and Don’t Forget to Vote!

The Progressive Democrats of Benicia thank the candidates and officials for their time. We encourage all residents to stay informed, get involved in local politics, and exercise their right to vote in the upcoming elections. Don’t forget to check your voter registration at

More about PDB

Learn more about the Progressive Democrats of Benicia at Dues are $30/year and you must be a registered Democrat to join as a full member. (Non-Democrats and non-Benicians are always welcome to attend public meetings.)

Congratulations to our Endorsed 2024 Candidates for Benicia Mayor & City Council

Dear members and supporters –

The Progressive Democrats of Benicia (PDB) are proud to announce their endorsements for the upcoming City Council and Mayoral elections. Following a thorough and engaging interview process with all candidates, the club’s voting membership has made their decisions.


After interviewing Democratic candidates for Benicia City Council Christina Gilpin-Hayes, Trevor Macenski, and Franz Rosenthal, the PDB membership has voted to endorse

  • Christina Gilpin-Hayes
  • Trevor Macenski (Incumbent)

The club also interviewed Mayor Steve Young, who is seeking re-election. Members voted overwhelmingly to endorse Mayor Young for re-election.

The club also interviewed Mayor Steve Young, who is seeking re-election. Members voted overwhelmingly to endorse Mayor Young for re-election.

(From left to right: Endorsed candidates for City Council Christina Gilpin-Hayes and Trevor Macenski, and endorsed candidate for Mayor Steve Young. Photos supplied by candidates.)

The club membership also authorized contributions to endorsed candidates.

The Progressive Democrats of Benicia congratulate the endorsed candidates and thank everyone who participated. Visit their websites at,, and to learn more about their campaigns, sign up to volunteer, and donate.

The Endorsement Process

The presentation started with the candidates sharing brief introductions before joining a wide-ranging discussion covering critical issues facing Benicia, including industrial health and safety, Benicia’s future as a refinery town, housing challenges, City budget shortfalls, and potential ways to address those shortfalls. After the candidates answered a few prepared questions, members, supporters, and viewers were able to engage in a lively Q&A.

“We’re incredibly proud of not just the program the club put on, and not just the candidates who all rose to the occasion, but also our members and supporters,” said Kathy Kerridge, Chair of the Progressive Democrats of Benicia. “It’s their commitment to the democratic process that brought us all together for a packed Zoom meeting on a Monday night, to learn more about the candidates and real Benicia issues. More than sixty people showed up to take part, and the recording is now available on our website so even more undecided voters will have a chance to watch it.”

Thank You…and Don’t Forget to Vote!

The Progressive Democrats of Benicia wish to thank the candidates for the time they spent with us. As we look toward the future, the club encourages all Benicia residents to stay informed, get involved in local politics, and exercise their right to vote in the upcoming elections. In preparation, don’t forget to check your voter registration at the Secretary of State website ( There, you can verify your mailing address for mailed ballots, confirm your party registration, and more.

More Exciting Endorsements Ahead

The Progressive Dems will next meet at 7pm on Wednesday, September 4, over Zoom, to interview Benicia School Board and Solano Community College Board candidates, and hear about the ballot measures Benicia will be voting on in November. This meeting is free and open to the public, regardless of party registration or city of residence, and a recording will be posted for this meeting as well.

Learn how to join the Sept. 4 endorsement meeting and find more information about the Progressive Democrats of Benicia here on Dues are $30/year and you must be a registered Democrat to join as a full member. (Non-Democrats are welcome to attend public meetings.)



                         – Kathy Kerridge, PDB Chair

Progressive Dems of Benicia – Women’s Empowerment Panel

What will it take to get a woman on the 2020 ballot and beyond?

The women’s and youth caucus of the Progressive Democrats of Benicia held a Women’s Empowerment Panel on Wednesday, February 19, 7pm at the Benicia library.

The Women’s Empowerment Panel speakers included:

    • Ana Petero, a past Fairfield-Suisun school board candidate and currently secretary of the Solano Commission for women and girls
    • Susannah Delano,  Executive Director of Close the Gap California
    • Monica Brown, Solano County who is Supervisor District 2, and up for re-election on March 3rd

The panel was asked to address:

    • How  can we get more women elected to government offices?
    • How can we  empower more women take the leap, to run, to get on the ballot?

The featured speakers have all been involved in election campaigns, and offer unique and inspiring perspectives.

We had an engaging evening of conversation about getting women on the 2020 ballot.  All were inspired and empowered!

Sponsored by the Women’s and Youth Caucus of the Progressive Democrats of Benicia.