Solano Co. Dem. Central Committee Communications Committee Meetings

Dear Members and Supporters:

Michelle Pellegrin, a member of the Solano County Democratic Central Committee, has started a new committee on communications. Here is her invitation for the first meetings:

The initial meetings of the newly formed Communications Committee meeting are coming up soon. (Zoom links in the linked agenda.)

Tuesday, February 18 1:00-2:15

Saturday, February 22 1:00-2:15

In recent club, organization and town hall meetings, the topic has come up repeatedly: Outreach and involvement of new club members? Why are elected democrats not communicating better? What are our suggestions? What is your experience? Now is the chance to express this, focus and come up with something concrete.

As noted previously, there are two initial meetings so that if you can’t make one you can hopefully make the other (though you are welcome to come to both!).

At the request of participants, the length of the meetings has been shortened from two hours to 1.25 hours. The meeting room will be open until 3:00 for people who want to talk further.

At this point, no RSVP is necessary. We’ve all been talking to our friends and colleagues so please send this information to anyone who you think might be interested.

Due to the time limitation, the discussion will be focused on communication. Please look at the linked agenda for suggested topics and links.

We hope to see many of you there!

Our Next Meeting – MONDAY, February 11

MONDAY, FEB 10, 2025, 7:00 PM


Dear members and supporters—

Terry Mollica will present an update of the status of the proposed Industrial Safety Ordinance.  This ordinance will be before city council on Feb. 4, at 6:00.  It will not be voted on at this meeting. This council meeting will be a critical time to show your support for the ordinance by showing up or emailing the council.  Terry will discuss the process going forward and be available to answer questions.

You will also have a chance to hear from the candidates to be delegates to the California Democratic Party.  Delegates are voted on by all Democrats who have registered to vote in this election or come to an in person meeting. We will not do an endorsement, but will try to keep our members informed of the candidates’ positions and endorsements by others. So far 8 candidates will be speaking.

Sheri Leigh will be talking about Fiesta Primavera which will be coming up again on April 5, from 10 am to 6 pm in Benicia City Park.

We will also have a vote on the sponsorship of the Crab feed. Please buy your tickets to this now. We still have a lot of control locally and we want to get the best Democrats elected in Solano County.

Whether or not to amend our bylaws and change our name will be on the Tuesday, March 11 agenda.  That discussion will be followed by a vote online to take place over the following days. A good place to discuss this in advance  is on our google group that is only open to members.  We will also have a discussion at the meeting on March 11. Please email us if you are not yet part of that google group.  Remember you can only vote if your dues are current.


Buy Your Tickets  for the Solano County Democratic Central Committee Crab and Pasta Feed on March 8 at 6pm.

The Solano County Democratic Central Committee raises money to be used on campaigns for Democratic candidates throughout Solano County.  Please buy your tickets to this event.  It is not limited to Central Committee members, but is for everyone.  It’s a lot of fun and a great way to meet other Solano County Democrats and elected officials.  This is the major fundraiser for the year.  Buy your tickets here

And please bring your friends.   You can buy sponsorships.

Renew Your Membership

Don’t forget that our membership dues are now due.   Membership dues are $30 a year (please contact me if this is a hardship)  You can renew your membership, or submit an application to become a new member, at this link:

Please be sure you have paid your dues to be eligible to vote in the elections. The bylaws state “New Members shall be entitled to vote on all Club matters sixty (60) days after payment of dues. Existing members, upon payment of membership renewal dues, shall be eligible immediately to vote on all Club matters.”  We also allow old members to vote upon payment of dues.

Zoom Details

Topic: ISO, Name, CaDem delegates
Time: MONDAY,  Feb 10,  2025, 7:00 PM Pacific 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 828 9121 7508
Passcode: 305180

See you soon


Brief Meeting Notes – January 14, 2025

JANUARY 14, 2025


Our January general membership meeting was held on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 7pm, via Zoom.


  • Call to Order – Kathy Kerridge, Chair
  • Quorum – Maggie Kolk, Secretary
  • Acknowledgements
  • Welcome to new members and steering committee members
  •  Announcements
    • Club Dues of $30 for the coming year can be paid here
    • Benicia Community Martin Luther King Day Celebration
      • January 20 – 7:00 pm 1305 W. 2nd St.
      • Honoring Dr. King in story, recollection, song, and commitment. All welcome.
    • Stripped for Parts: American Journalism on the Brink
      • January 30, 4-7:30 pm, Cal Maritime, Rizza Auditorium
    • CADEM Elections – AD-11
      • Sign up on line to register to vote in this election
    • Solano County Democratic Central Committee Dinner
      • March 8 – 6:00 pm at the Nelson Community Center in Suisun – Silent and Dessert Auction


California State Senator Christopher Cabaldon, Dist. 3

Next Meeting: Monday, February 10, 2025 at 7:00 pm

Meeting Recording Link

Here is a link to the video recording of the meeting. If asked for a passcode, it is:



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