All posts by Editor

Our Next Meeting – Cancellations due to COVID-19


We decided to cancel PDB’s March and April General Membership meetings (scheduled for March 18 and April 22) at the Dona Benicia Library in Benicia. We took this action as a precaution due to concerns about exposure to COVID-19.  [MORE – Cancellation notice]

When: ???
Where: ???

Our next meeting details are “on hold.”  We’ll share more information as soon as we can.  Stay tuned for details…

IMPORTANT: if you are a member of PDB, January was the month to renew your annual dues (unless you joined since October, 2019, in which case your initial membership and dues count for 2020).  PLEASE PAY TODAY!

March Meeting Cancelled

No meeting on March 18

Members and Friends of PDB,

We have decided to cancel PDB’s next General Membership meeting scheduled for March 18 at the Dona Benicia Library in Benicia. We’ve taken this action as a precaution due to concerns about exposure to COVID-19. Below are the latest recommendations from the City of Benicia issued on March 9:


“…At this time, the City recommends that individuals evaluate opportunities to attend events, programs, recreation classes, etc., on a case by case basis. Older people and people with certain underlying health conditions such as heart disease, lung disease and diabetes, for example, seem to be at greater risk of serious illness and may want to be more conservative when deciding whether or not to attend events. The City has begun implementing enhanced facility cleaning to reduce potential exposure to COVID-19 as well as posting reminders about hand washing and other precautions.”

Here’s a link to the City of Benicia’s web page with coronavirus information, including the full March 9 press release –

And, here are links to additional information on the coronavirus:

Johns Hopkins CSSE Outbreak Tracker
CDC – What You Need to Know about COVID-19
CDC – Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
CDC -Confirmed Cases in the United States (updated regularly)
Solano County Public Health Updates & Resources
OSHA Information for Workers and Employers
Sign up for CDC Updates here

Our next meeting is scheduled for April 22. We’ll share more information on the Earth Day program soon. In the meantime, please be cautious and follow the personal contact protocols recommended by healthcare officials:

    • Wash hands with liquid soap and water for at least 20 seconds; alcohol-based sanitizers may also be used.
    • Clean and disinfect any surfaces you or other people frequently touch.
    • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue (or your sleeve) when you cough or sneeze.
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
    • Stay home if you are sick or feel sick (unless you are seeking medical care).
    • Avoid close contact with sick people.
    • Get the flu shot to protect yourselves and others from the seasonal flu.

Please be safe and stay informed!

Ralph Dennis


Have you paid your 2020 dues yet?  If you are a member of PDB, January was the month to renew your annual dues (unless you joined since October, 2019, in which case your initial membership and dues count for 2020).  PLEASE RENEW TODAY!

Warren Tops in Local Club’s Democratic Candidate Poll

Club vote was highly competitive – no candidate achieved 51% for endorsement

Senator Elizabeth Warren was the top vote-getter in a recent poll of Democratic presidential candidates taken by the Progressive Democrats of Benicia (PDB), a local political club. Warren received 36.8% of the votes cast, with Sen. Bernie Sanders placing second at 28.9%. Also receiving votes were Amy Klobuchar with 21.1% and Pete Buttigieg with 13.2%. Candidates Joe Biden, Mike Bloomberg, and Tulsi Gabbard each received no votes.

The poll was the culmination of a panel discussion held on February 12 in Benicia by PDB in which representatives of six Democratic candidates for President had a lively exchange of ideas with an overflow audience at the Benicia Library. Members of PDB were eligible to cast votes through Feb. 19.

Ralph Dennis, chair of PDB, was pleased with voting and said “that’s a pretty strong showing by Warren among our members” but explained that it wasn’t enough to receive the Club’s endorsement which required 50% plus one of all votes cast. “This was the first time we allowed voting through our web site, and a lot of the votes were cast online after the meeting,” Dennis added. He believes the club will use the online voting option in future endorsements or polls conducted.

Well over one-half of the votes cast in the club’s poll were for one of the two progressive candidates in the race – Warren and Sanders. Dennis said that “this shows there is a strong progressive sentiment in this community which wants to see substantive change in Washington.” Dennis also recognized that the combined votes for Klobuchar and Buttigieg were 35.3%, reflecting, he said, “the current quandary among Democratic party analysts between progressive and moderate political positions within the national party and how it should best represent itself to defeat President Trump in November.”

A recent poll released on February 18 by the Public Policy Institute of California shows Sanders leading in California’s Presidential primary with 32% of likely voters. Biden, Buttigieg, Bloomberg, and Warren were in a statistical tie at 14%, with Klobuchar at 5%. California’s primary is March 3 and voting by mail-in ballot is already underway.  Details on the Solano County website,