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Rep. Thompson virtual town hall on Coronavirus Thurs Nov 18 7pm

Members and Friends of PDB, our Congressman Mike Thompson will have a Zoom Town Hall tomorrow evening, Thursday Nov. 18 at 7:00 pm, discussing the recent surge in coronavirus cases in our region, state, and across the country. Local health experts will be on hand to share how we all can best protect ourselves now and in the immediate months ahead. Below is more information for the event.

From: Rep. Mike Thompson
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 8:11 AM
Subject: Virtual Town Hall on Coronavirus

NOVEMBER 18, 2020
Dear Friend,

Coronavirus case rates are spiking in our district and across our nation, at a time when people would usually be making plans to see family and friends and travel for the holidays. We must all be doing everything we can to keep ourselves, our families and our communities safe from this virus. That means scaling down our celebrations and staying home for the holidays. I know this is hard to do right now, particularly because we are all tired of the pandemic. But it’s what we need to do to get through this together.

To help you navigate this stressful time and answer your questions about staying safe, this Thursday, November 19 at 7pm PT, I am holding my seventeenth Virtual Town Hall. We will be joined by George Rutherford, MD, Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at UC San Francisco and Dr. Karen Relucio, Deputy Director of Napa County Health and Human Services-Public Health Officer, for a discussion about the surging Coronavirus case rate. You will need to register for this event by emailing your name to [email protected]. Shortly before the event you will receive an email with instructions on how to join and we will also simulcast the event on my Facebook page.

I hope you will join me for this Virtual Town Hall. Remember that you can always call my office if you need immediate assistance.


Mike Thompson
Member of Congress

Benicia Election Results November 2020

Congratulations to our endorsed candidates, Mayor-elect Steve Young and Councilmember-elect Terry Scott!

Here are links to an important KQED report by Ted Goldberg, and other Benicia election details and analysis by Roger Straw on the Benicia Independent:

For additional incoming Benicia updates and information on our local vote totals for California races and propositions and the US Presidential race, go to the Solano County Registrar of Voters ELECTION RESULTS PAGE.

Meeting of November 2020 – our post-election gathering

Tuesday, Nov. 10, 7pm
Election Results,
and thinking about PDB 2021 Goals

Post-Election Sharing – and What’s Next

We planned ahead for a post election gathering, not knowing the results.  Whatever the outcome, we wanted to come be with our friends!!! 

So… at our meeting on Nov. 10 we briefly shared the results of the Nov. 3 elections, local and national.  We celebrated and held our breath over Joe Biden’s slim lead, and worried over the composition of the House and Senate…  AND we celebrated our new Mayor Steve Young!  Terry Scott’s race for the second Council seat was too close to call at the time (and he later lost by the narrowest of margins).

At the outset of our meeting, we surprised our friend and PDB member, outgoing Mayor Elizabeth Patterson with a time of recognition and honors.  We read a Proclamation “Recognizing Benicia Mayor Elizabeth Patterson and Honoring her Decades of Rich and Enduring Service.”  This was followed by a delightful video collage by Constance Beutel celebrating Elizabeth’s many years of service and accomplishments.  Finally, Elizabeth responded and many of our members zoomed in their thanks and well wishes.

We had planned to include Zoom “breakout rooms” for smaller groups of people to 1) talk freely about the election results and what it means for us and for Benicia and 2) to think about possible goals and focus for PDB in 2021.  But we ran out of time, so we plan to do this at our January, 12 2021 meeting.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Election of PDB officers in Jan. ’21. Terms of our current officers expire soon.  During the Jan. 2021 General Membership meeting members will elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. Each officer serves a two-year term. We are seeking nominations for these positions which will be accepted beginning now and through the discussion prior to the vote at our Jan. ’21 meeting.

  • Our current officers are: Ralph Dennis, Chair; Craig Snider, Vice-Chair; Maggie Kolk, Secretary; and, Kathy Kerridge, Treasurer.
  • Eligible members may nominate and vote in the election of officers. (An “eligible” member is one who is either new and a member for at least 60 days, or a past member who has renewed dues to become current. Dues are due on January 1 and payable by January 31 of each calendar year.  Dues are only $20/year, payable on our website.)  Nominations can be submitted through the Contact button on the PDB website.  You can also let us know if you have questions about the status of your membership.