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Reminder: November 10th 7:00 PM General Membership Meeting

Change is in the air!!! Urgent for Members!!!

Our final meeting for 2022 is coming up – next Wednesday, at 7:00 and we’ll be on Zoom once again. Hopefully, we’ll return to meeting in public for the New Year, but for one more time at least here’s the Zoom link and info for our Nov. 10 meeting:

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 4303 4122
Passcode: 267246
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,88543034122#,,,,*267246# US (San Jose)

Change is in the air! There’s been discussion recently among members about considering some changes to PDB’s structure, focus and related matters beginning in 2022. We’ll open all that up for discussion with members on Nov. 10 to see what they think and want. First, though, we’ll discuss a couple of local issues and actions we can take. Here’s the agenda:

  • Part 1: Timothy Knox, a Benicia HS graduate, will talk about his ongoing efforts to organize a Young Democrats of Solano County club, opposition he’s faced, and how we can help. Colette Bartel, Save CA Solar, will discuss the campaign to protect rooftop solar in California and actions we can take to fight threats to it at the Public Utilities Commission.
  • Part 2: Steve Young (as PDB member) and Terry Scott, will suggest changes to PDB to consider for 2022 and discuss why they are needed. This discussion will likely continue over into our January 2022 meeting, which could include motions to vote on proposed changes to PDB. We’ll allow all the time needed for Q&A with members.

Change is in the air! It’s important for members to attend this discussion on the Club’s future, hear any proposed changes that are raised, and voice their support, concerns, and questions. No votes will be taken during this meeting, but we expect motions for changes will be made in our January 2022 meeting. Filling vacancies in the Steering Committee and Officers positions is also be in the wind.

I urge all members to attend and participate in these discussions.

See you on Nov. 10!!!

Our Next Meeting – Wednesday November 10, 7 PM

General Membership Meeting
Nov 10th pm as a
Zoom Meeting

Meeting Reminder!!!

Wednesday Nov 10th at 7 PM

Members and Supporters,

Mark your schedules for PDB’s last General Membership meeting in 2021 on Nov. 10 at 7:00 via Zoom. Our meeting is on Wednesday night in order to accommodate a speaker, Timothy Knox, a BHS grad who is organizing a Young Democrats of Solano County club for youths in our county and hoping to have it chartered by the Central Committee. In addition, we’ll discuss with members the Club’s future and activities for 2022, so a strong turnout by members for this last meeting of 2021 will ensure lots of feedback and suggestions for a strong PDB in 2022!

Save the date – Nov. 10 at 7:00. Stay tuned for more information!