Category Archives: Benicia elections

Progressive Democrats endorse YES on Benicia Measure D, Cannabis – also weigh in on State Props

The votes are in!!!

PDB members cast their votes last week on Benicia’s non-binding referendum, Measure D, as well as several of the State Propositions, all of which will appear on our November 3 ballot.

Following an informative meeting on September 8, members voted on our digital poll here on the PDB website.  The overall position of our members is very evident, with Benicia Measure D and several of the state propositions receiving nearly 100% of the votes. Here’s how the voting went:

PDB Member – Measure D and State Propositions
LOCAL BENICIA MEASURE D – Cannabis State Proposition 15 – Taxes State Proposition 16 – Affirmative Action State Proposition 17 – Suffrage State Proposition 18 – Suffrage
% YES 92.0% 100.0% 92.0% 100.0% 92.0%
% NO 8.0% 0.0% 8.0% 0.0% 8.0%
State Proposition 20 – Law Enforcement State Proposition 24 – Business State Proposition 25 – Trials
% YES 20.8% 50.0% 100.0%
% NO 79.2% 50.0% 0.0%

Note that our PDB vote on state propositions is only advisory.  Local Democratic clubs must follow the positions taken by our California Democratic Party on state propositions.  NONETHELESS and interestingly, Progressive Democrats of Benicia voted entirely in sync with our California Dem Party: YES on 15, 16, 17, 18, and 25, NO on 20, and NEUTRAL on 24.  (PDB took no position on propositions 14, 19, 21, 22, and 23, and we refer you to the Party’s positions.)

For more background and detailed information, see:

Benicia’s Campaign Fairness Ordinance; Can We Make it Better?

Benicia’s Campaign Fairness Ordinance; Can We Make it Better?

City Council Decides to Take a Look

By Ralph Dennis

Larnie Fox, a PDB member, sent a note out recently through Benicia Resist! mentioning City Council’s decision, unanimously, to agendize a discussion of a possible strengthening of our local campaign fairness ordinance. He included this bit from the agenda:

“Council member Tom Campbell submitted a two-step process request on November 15, 2018 for Council consideration of possible changes to the campaign ordinance. This Request is to determine whether or not the Council would like to agendize the topic for discussion at a future Council meeting.
Recommendation: Discuss the request and provide direction to staff.”

Larnie encouraged all Benicia Resisters! to show up in January. We should all show up at the January City Council to support efforts to disallow the dark tactics, as Larnie described, that Valero used during the recent election.

I would add, that there isn’t much, if anything, we can do about the amount of money coming in, if someone wants to do it, due to the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling in 2008. But, Benicia does have its campaign ordinances, and one that already requires information to be filed by the dark tactics players; and, even those players made the required filings this past election. It wasn’t enough, of course.

So, maybe something can be done to tighten up the ordinance itself. Councilman Campbell alluded to this while discussing his request. As an example, if the City can’t make the pollsters divulge who paid for the polling because it would bias the poll, then maybe we can require that information, say, 48 hours after the poll is conducted. His self-described goal: make sure the voters know “when they step into the voting booth” who is backing each candidate.

It occurs to me as I write this, and after reviewing the actual request from Councilman Campbell and Benicia’s municipal code’s campaign ordinances: I wonder if we know which ordinance we’re taking a look at? Or, are we looking at all of them? The City Attorney’s letter sent back in September to the pollsters, mentioned that “the city has several campaign ordinances.” And, by example, referred to Benicia Municipal Code Section 1.40.042 which requires certain disclosures for campaign communications funded by independent expenditures. This sounds like the one Campbell is after.

We shall see what happens, but at least here is an opportunity to do something, perhaps.

When? I couldn’t find the Council’s official 2019 agenda schedule, apparently it is not posted yet on the City’s web site. However, I asked Steve Young, who said that Council will meet on Jan. 15 and Jan. 22.

Which meeting? At the Council meeting, City Manager Lorie Tinfrow said this item will be on a January agenda, but did not indicate then at which meeting. I think we should know soon, though, and we’ll let you know once the date is set. Check the PDB web site for updates!

Our next meeting is Jan. 8. We’ll discuss this item during the meeting.

“Final Word” forum, Saturday, Nov. 3

The Final Word Forum was challenged by the Valero/Labor PAC but went on as scheduled.  See the video here:  

[PREVIOUS NOTICE] – Mark your calendar and plan to attend this Saturday – this could be a VERY interesting forum, and your last chance before the election to ask questions and express your thoughts about recent negative campaigning by corporate giant Valero Services, Inc. and its affiliates.

Please show up WAY EARLY!!  We’ve learned that oil industry people will try to pack the house and dominate the debate. 



“The City of Benicia code(Sec 1.42.110) allows for a last minute candidate forum to allow candidates to address last minute “hit pieces” and to respond to inflammatory statements and misinformation.

This forum does not always happen but, given the amount of negative campaigning happening in the City Council race, the City’s Open Government Commission will sponsor such a session this Saturday, Nov. 3 from 9-11am at the City Council chambers.

The event will be televised live on Ch. 27, and rebroadcast at 7pm on Sunday and Monday nights, Nov. 4 and 5. It will also be streamed on the City website.

The forum will be moderated by Open Government Commission Chair Bonnie Silvera, with assistance from two other OGC members.  Questions from audience will be written on 3×5 cards and selected by OGC members. Questions will be addressed to all candidates.  Only questions that deal with the purpose of the forum will be addressed.  Candidates are asked to speak to the issues and not make personal comments about other candidates, especially in a negative manner.