General Membership Meeting
Tuesday, January 11th
7:00 pm
Featured Speaker:
Congressman John Garamendi, Congressional Dist. 8
Our January monthly meeting was held on Tuesday, Jan. 11 at 7:00.

Our program featured Congressman John Garamendi, who represents Congressional District 8, which now includes Benicia. Cong. Garamendi announced last month he is seeking reelection in 2022 and will introduce himself to Benicians, share with us his priorities for Congress this year, and let us know how we can support his efforts. The newly drawn lines for Cong. Dist. 8 now mean that all five oil refineries in the Bay Area are located in an area represented by one U.S. Representative, John Garamendi. Let’s have our questions ready for Cong. Garamendi!
We also continued discussion from our last meeting on possible changes to the Club and votes on any motions that may arise. We announced appointments to vacated Officer and Steering Committee positions, including a new Interim Chair, Kathy Kerridge, and Treasurer, Nathalie Christian – and two new Steering Committee members, Lisa Reinertson and Terry Mollica. But, we still need to fill the Vice-Chair position who will be assisting the new Chair in overall club responsibilities, and we need 2-3 additional members to join the Steering Committee to help lead the Club into 2022 in supporting candidates and actions at the local, state, and national levels. It’s time to step up!!!
Non-members were welcomed to participate in the discussion and Q&A with Cong. Garamendi. The remainder of the meeting on Club issues was open only to current and lapsed PDB members.