There is a hotly contested State Senate race this year to replace Bill Dodd. We have the fantastic opportunity to hear from and ask questions of all three candidates at our next meeting on Wednesday (note the day), September 13, at 7 pm. Many of you met the candidates at our July Garden Party.
This will be a more formal meeting with each candidate presenting separately, followed by a time for us to ask questions. The candidates (in alphabetical order) are
Christopher Cabaldon, former Mayor of West Sacramento,
Jackie Elward, City Council Member of Rohnert Park, and
Dr. Rozzana Verder-Aliga, Vice-Mayor of Vallejo.

From left to right: Christopher Cabaldon, Jackie Elward, & Rozzana Verder-Aliga
The candidates have answered a few questions in writing to give you more background before this meeting:
Please read through them. We want to be able to really zero in on their responses to these questions and use this meeting for your more specific questions.
After the meeting, we plan to use our Google Group to discuss the candidates before we have our endorsement vote. We will have our endorsement vote a week or so after our candidate meeting, and we will most likely run it through our website. In the primary only the top two candidates will advance, so our endorsement is important. The top two will likely be from this group. Please make sure your dues are paid, as only current members can vote.
We will also hear briefly about the Save our Streets initiative that is currently gathering signatures. You can sign at the Farmer’s Market for the next few weeks.
Finally, we will vote as a club on whether or not to send a letter in support of Solano County boards and commissions.
Check Out the United Dems Candidate Interviews
The United Democrats of Southern Solano have already held in-depth, hour-long interviews with Jackie Elward and Christopher Cabaldon. The recordings of these interviews are available on their Facebook Page. Their last interview will be with Rozzana Verder-Aliga and will take place on Wednesday, September 6 at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to attend and we will share the link when it is available.
An endorsement from the Progressive Dems is important both to candidates and to our club, and there may not be unanimity in our membership regarding who we support. Watching these interviews in advance, reading the questionnaires when we send them out and seeing all three on the same night will help you make an informed decision.
Zoom Sign-In
Our Zoom meeting details are below. Our Zoom link and sign-in details will be the same through October if you would like to save them to your calendar.
Join PDB Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 823 6210 9045
Passcode: 039610
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Don’t miss this important meeting!
See you on Zoom, Wednesday, September 13 at 7:00 PM!