State Senate Race 2024: Question 2

2. Provide one paragraph about why you are running for office.

Rozzana Verder-Aliga:

As an immigrant from the Philippines, I came to America to pursue the American dream. I am thankful and blessed to have been given the opportunity to serve others and dedicate my life to public service. I’ve been giving back to my community for 27 years in elected office, as a mental health professional for 30 years, and as a community activist my entire adult life. State Senate is the next, best place for me to serve my community and the people of California.

Jackie Elward:

I believe that my life’s work has prepared me for this moment. Since immigrating to the U.S., I have strived to work hard for my community and to make it a better place for all. I have been a leader in the fight for unionization, worker rights, and the living wage. As Director of Sonoma Clean Power, I have committed myself to providing our communities with a carbon-free, healthy future. As the first black female elected leader in my community, I have provided sorely needed representation. I’m running for State Senate because the work is not done. I know from experience that having folks in Sacramento who will fight for working-class individuals, families, and our kids’ futures is critical. Our region needs a champion for the people in Sacramento – someone who is ready to be a voice for everyone in our district. This isn’t about me. It’s about providing a voice for the North Bay that will push us forward with bold leadership and strong principles.

Christopher Cabaldon:

I am running for State Senate to help California live up to its potential. In California, we have made many strides to make our state a leader in equity, justice, sustainability, and economic prosperity, but there is still so much more left to do. I know we can, because I’ve done it—in my city and region, as an appointee of President Obama and four California governors, and as an educator and advocate.  I’ve fought successful, pathbreaking battles for Dreamers, to close fraudulent trade schools, to create life-changing college and career pathways for tens of thousands of young people, to protect habitat, farming and air and water quality, to end student debt, and to advance equity, racial justice, reproductive freedom, and LGBTQ+ rights. As Mayor, I spearheaded initiatives to expand access to preschool and higher education, protect natural resources, and tackle the housing crisis. Too often, the unique needs of communities like ours here in the 3rd District are not reflected in state policies. I’m excited to use my blended experience working in the Legislature and executive branch as well as regional and local government to be a pragmatic champion to get the job done for all Californians.

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