Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 7:00 pm
Benicia Public Library, Dona Benicia Room
150 East L Street, Benicia, CA
Our March public meeting was held at the Benicia Library, 150 East L St., in the Dona Benicia Room, on March 13th, at 7:00 p.m. Our featured speaker was Delaine Eastin, 2018 candidate for Governor in California.

Delaine is a former California State Superintendent of Public Instruction, following eight years in the State Assembly and six years on the Union City (Alameda County) City Council. In the June 6 Gubernatorial Primary, Delaine’s principal opposition is expected to be: Democrats Gavin Newsom, current Lt. Governor, Antonio Villaraigosa, former mayor of Los Angeles, and John Chiang, current CA State Treasurer; and, Republican candidates Travis Allen, Assemblyman and John Cox, a businessman.
Delaine is the only woman to have held the office of California State Superintendent of Public Instruction. According to her bio sheet, she was responsible for initiatives which focused on wiring schools for technology and stronger technical/vocational training for students. She also successfully sued the governor for withholding funds from K-12 schools, and joined the successful lawsuit against Proposition 187, which among other things would have used teachers as immigration agents.
For more information on Delaine, her campaign website is http://www.delaineforgovernor.com.
In addition to Delaine as our featured speaker, we also conducted Club business related to ongoing development of our website. We adopted an endorsement process for consideration by membership.
Please SAVE THE DATE and join us for our next membership meeting on April 10, 7pm at the Benicia Library, featured speaker – Kevin De Leon, CA Senate Pro Tem, and 2018 candidate for U.S. Senate!