Sheri Zada running for Benicia School Board

Repost from the Benicia Herald
[NOTE: The Progressive Democrats of Benicia have not yet endorsed any candidate for the November election.  Posting of this article does not constitute endorsement.]

Retired librarian becomes first candidate in school board race

By Nick Sestanovich, August 10, 2018
Sheri Zada fills out paperwork to become the first official candidate in the school board election. (Courtesy photo)

The Benicia school board election is well underway. This year, three seats are up for grabs but of those three, only President Diane Ferrucci has made an attempt to run for re-election. This will essentially guarantee new faces on the board, and according to the Solano County Registrar of Voters’ website, at least four challengers are going through the process of filing papers to establish candidacies. Of these, one is now an established candidate as of press time.

Sheri Zada, a retired elementary school librarian and local volunteer, is the first candidate in the race. She cites a lifelong love for education and children that she hopes to bring to the board.

“I’ve been heavily involved in volunteering for children and education, which is my passion,” she said.

Zada raised her two sons in Southern California where she served as everything from a room mother to a librarian to an assistant to special needs children to a director for a high school swim team. She also had an elected position with the local teachers union.

“I so appreciate everything the teachers do for our students,” she said. “I know how hard it is that they work.”

Zada has kept up the volunteer efforts since moving to Benicia four years ago. She has lent her time to the Benicia Fire Museum, Run for Education, Robert Semple Elementary School’s STEM program and Scholastic Book Fair and the garden at Mary Farmar Elementary School. Perhaps her biggest volunteer effort came in kickstarting the March for Our Lives event in Benicia, held in response to gun violence incidents worldwide particularly the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. back in February. Zada had been discussing the planned nationwide March for Our Lives events with her husband Alan and decided to see if she could gauge interest for a local event through social media. She made a post on the Facebook group “Benicia Happenings” to see if anyone would want to get involved.

“I started getting feedback from people in our community, and it snowballed from there,” she said.

Zada also posted to Nextdoor and Meetup, and this drew interest from high schoolers, retired individuals, educators, local elected officials and more. The March 24 event drew a crowd of approximately 1,500 people.

Following the event, Zada was approached by people who told her she should run for the school board. Initially, she said she was not interested.

“The school thing was brand new to me,” she said, “but I got very excited and encouraged by what people were telling me and what they were sharing with me and how I felt during the press for the march that I gave it some thought and I said, ‘You know what? I understand what they’re going through because I’ve been in their shoes working in the school district. Plus, as a parent, I know how parents have to deal with the district as well.’ It just made me realize I have time now that I can devote to helping our school district out.”

The other motivator for Zada to run was the stories she had heard from teachers and parents working with the Benicia Unified School District, especially during the impasse over contract negotiations.

“It’s not a good situation these teachers are in right now,” she said. “I’ve been on that side. I understand how hard it is.”

For example, Zada said her hours as a librarian would continually get deducted to the point where benefits were lost.

“I know what they’re going through,” she said.

Zada completed her paperwork to run on Aug. 3 and has been busy getting her message out through social media. Among her biggest goals are helping teachers and the district come up with an equitable contract and being able to hold on to BUSD’s best teachers.

“We’ve got good teachers, and they are looking elsewhere because we’re not offering a competitive package,” she said. “There’s a shortage of teachers in California, and there’s a small amount of really good teachers, and we don’t want to lose them. They’ve done a lot for our children.”

Zada believes that solid educators and parent involvement make BUSD a strong district, but she feels communication at the district level remains an issue.

“We need to encourage and listen and come up with solutions,” she said.

One thing Zada is proposing as a BUSD trustee is visiting each school once a month and having coffee chats with teachers and faculty to listen to their concerns as well as positive developments.

“I want to be the conduit to bring that information back to the board so that we can work on addressing things and not letting things slide,” she said.

Another top priority for Zada is for the district to further address safety issues like bullying and suicide prevention.

“I think there needs to be more understanding,” she said.

Zada said she is against arming teachers but is in favor of establishing a security system to make students safer and feel more secure. She is also opposed to charter schools that are not privately funded.

“I don’t want to see any money that should be funneled into the school district be taken away from us because of charter schools,” she said.

Zada has already received early endorsements from the Benicia Teachers Association, Mayor Elizabeth Patterson, Vice Mayor Steve Young and Solano County Supervisor Monica Brown, a retired educator.

Zada believes in taking a stand on certain issues while also considering the benefits and drawbacks.

“I take sides in what I believe in while making change, but I listen and I weigh everything out and then I make a decision,” she said.

Zada is aware the position requires a lot of time, but she said she is ready for it.

“I’m not doing it for fame,” she said. “I’m doing it because I believe in this district, I believe in these kids and I believe in our future. There’s no other reason I would do it.”

For more information on Zada’s campaign, visit her Facebook page “Sheri Zada for Benicia School Board.”

Other potential candidates in the race include real estate agent Adrean Hayashi, Pittsburg Unified School District employee Mark Maselli, and Gethsemane Moss, a senior director of community engagement with the Solano County Office of Education.

Sheri Zada fills out paperwork to become the first official candidate in the school board election. (Courtesy photo)


DNC execs reverse course on banning donations from fossil fuel companies

From an email, Action
[Progressive Dems and independents need to hear about this – and sign the petition!  We sure hope Senators Harris and Feinstein, and Rep. Mike Thompson will join us in saying no to oil and gas campaign contributions.]

From: Brant Olson, Action
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 5:29 PM
Subject: DNC execs just undid its fossil fuel money ban

Dear [name],

The DNC just reversed course on banning donations from fossil fuel companies, turning its back on those living with the impacts of climate change and fossil fuel extraction every day — as well as the more than 950 candidates nationwide that our community recruited to sign the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge.

DNC executives are keeping quiet about the Friday night vote — they know taking polluter money isn’t a good look for the Party — but resistance from DNC membership is growing and the press is beginning to take notice.

By ringing the alarm now, we can hold the DNC accountable to its values, and force a new vote during the DNC’s Summer Meeting in Chicago in two weeks.

Sign the petition to demand that the DNC reject contributions from fossil fuel companies!

The DNC’s Executive Committee voted on a resolution sponsored by Chairman Tom Perez. The resolution is framed in terms of supporting workers, but welcomes “the longstanding and generous contributions of… [energy industry] political action committees” and declares support for an “all of the above” energy policy.

Supporting workers as we transition to clean energy is absolutely essential — but taking money from fossil fuel industry PACs is the wrong way to do it. The ban on fossil fuel company money adopted by the DNC just two months ago didn’t limit unions and employees from donating to the Party — so the only effect of Friday’s resolution was to re-open DNC coffers to fossil fuel company PACs.

Elizabeth Warren and others are already standing up to oppose the DNC’s vote — a testament to the months of work by thousands in our community to push this issue to the top of the national conversation.

Sign the petition to DNC Chairman Tom Perez to demand that the DNC keep fossil fuel money out!

Together, we’ve built the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge from a good idea into a juggernaut that’s changing the 2018 elections for the better. Let’s be sure the DNC leads, follows, or gets out of our way.


Brant, Amanda, Matt and the rest of the team.


“Democratic National Committee Proposes Reversing Its Ban On Fossil Fuel Donations,” Huffington Post, 8-10-2018

“Resolution Reaffirming the DNC’s Unwavering Commitment to Workers and Unions in Industries that Power the American Economy, and Expressing the Democratic Party’s Appreciation of their Profound Contributions to Our Party, Our Nation’s Economy, and Our Way of Life,” Tom Perez, 8-10-2018

PAID FOR BY OCUSA, WWW.OILCHANGEUSA.ORG, NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE, CANDIDATE’S AUTHORIZED POLITICAL COMMITTEE, OR CANDIDATE’S AGENTS. Action fights the denial, distortion, and disinformation that block bold action on climate change. Help us end climate denial once and for all. Click here to donate. Action is a program of Oil Change USA, a 501(c)(4) organization.
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Opportunity: Will you host a Marshall Ganz Swing Left Academy: Live! training?

From an email by Swing Left Academy

Swing Left AcademyFrom: Saskia at Swing Left Academy <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 5:29 PM
Subject: Will you host a Marshall Ganz Swing Left Academy: Live! training?

Host a local event with the legendary organizer and lecturer!

We’re very pleased to share the exciting news that we’ve rescheduled the Swing Left Academy: Live! event with legendary organizer and Harvard University senior lecturer Marshall Ganz for Saturday, August 18th!

Almost 50 volunteers stepped up to be local hosts for our first SLA: Live! event earlier this month and it was a huge success with almost 1,000 participants around the country. So let’s keep the momentum going and make this one even bigger!

Sign up now to host a Swing Left Academy: Live! with Marshall Ganz event for volunteers near you.

Marshall Ganz has been organizing for over five decades, including work alongside Cesar Chavez, and he helped build the innovative organizing model for Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign. During this powerful live event, he will cover one of the most essential organizing skills, public narrative. Then you’ll see how sharing your personal story impacts and improves every aspect of your work as an activist.

The entire day will be streamed live from Cambridge to living rooms around the country—so volunteers can come together at an event near them to watch, learn, and participate in a series of interactive exercises with fellow activists.

All you need is a comfortable space of any size, a good Internet connection, and a computer with a television or monitor to accommodate your guests. We’ll take care of the rest by providing materials and guidance for hosting a successful event.

Sign up now to host an interactive event:

What: Host a Swing Left Academy: Live! with Marshall Ganz event
When: Saturday, August 18, 12pm – 5pm ET ( 9am – 2pm PT)
Where: Your own home, office, or other suitable venue
Why:  Help local volunteers get schooled in the skills that will help take back the House in November

Part two of this experience is to put Ganz’s teachings to use—by going out and taking action in your local Swing District the next day (or the following weekend). That’s where you’ll see first-hand how sharing your personal story makes all the difference when you’re calling voters and knocking doors.

By hosting an SLA: Live! training you’ll also get to work on your own organizing skills by bringing other volunteers together to participate. Investing in these skills now is how we are going to win in November!

Help us train activists in your area by signing up to host an event now. When you take  this step, you’ll be empowering yourself and others with the critical skills it will take to win back the House.

Can’t wait to see you there!

Saskia at the Swing Left Academy Team

P.S. If you have any questions or want to know more about hosting, feel free to contact our team  at [email protected]. Thanks again and I really hope you can take part in this exciting weekend of action!

Equity & Justice For All