Category Archives: California Politics

Track the California races that could flip the House

Repost from the Los Angeles Times

As a crucial primary nears, track the California races that could flip the House

By Christina Bellantoni, Julie Westfall and Allison Wisk
Originally Published Sept. 13, 2017, Updated Jan. 24, 2018, Next Update: March 2018

California’s June 5 primary will set the course for which congressional districts will be battlegrounds — or missed opportunities — this fall. With just over two months to go, we’ve updated our rankings of the most competitive contests in the state. The stakes in the midterm elections couldn’t be higher: control of the U.S. House. Democrats consider 10 Republican-held districts here to be battlegrounds and can’t win the House without winning at least a few of them.

Retirements in Southern California have created two open-seat races that could make that task a bit easier. On the other hand, the Republicans running to replace them might fare better against crowded fields of Democratic hopefuls, many of whom are seeking office for the first time. California’s top-two primary system could threaten Democrats, too, as Republican candidates could grab the top two spots in certain races and advance to the general election, shutting Democrats out.

Taking multiple factors into account, The Times’ California politics editors have ranked the hottest races by the intensity of the fight ahead. We’ll be updating our rankings, and subscribers to the Essential Politics newsletter will be the first to learn what’s changed.

(The Times article continues with detailed coverage
of the top 14 flippable races.)

Delaine Eastin, Gubernatorial Candidate, Makes Education a Priority

By Phyllis DeBois, March 26, 2018

Delaine Eastin, California’s Superintendent of Public Instruction 1995–2003, is the first non-millionaire female running for governor of California.

Eastin spoke with gusto and a sense of humor at the Progressive Democrats of Benicia meeting on March 13, 2018.  She is an intelligent, energetic politician, and a non-corporate funded candidate who is authentic and progressive.

When asked what she wanted people to mostly remember about her talk, Eastin said her comments about education. Her blue-collar family made education a priority and she views this opportunity a gift that gave her a sense of optimism, understanding, and confidence to make choices that would shape her destiny and change her life. Delaine Eastin wants this opportunity for every child and has made education a foundational issue of her campaign.

She states that California is now the 41st state in per pupil spending and the 1st state in per prisoner expenditure. Since 1985 California has built 13 colleges and universities and 23 prisons. Delaine said this is a waste of human resources and tax dollars, and the school to prison pipeline, a reality for some, she is determined to change. She believes that educational opportunities can reduce crime and incarceration and that it can boost economic development. It makes sense and it is the right thing to do.

Delaine describes herself as the candidate with the courage, vision, and heart to do the job. She said other politicians might tell you what you want to hear but don’t have the heart, courage, and vision to do it. Delaine said she has all three: she sees the big picture, has the courage to make the tough choices that will make a difference, and the heart to govern for all people including those at the margins.

In addition to education and prison reform, Delaine Eastin also wants to implement affordable housing, health care for all, and gun control. She will work towards banning fracking, closing the prop 13 corporate tax loophole, writing a long-range plan for California, addressing climate change, plus a myriad of other goals. Though Eastin has made education her foundational issue the environment, economy, crime prevention, and health care are also important issues to her.

Delaine Eastin’s resume includes extensive work in government as California’s first woman Superintendent of Public Instruction, as state assemblywoman 1986-1994 for districts 18 & 20, and councilwoman for Union City 1980-1986. She was a corporate strategic planner for Pacific Telephone and a professor at community colleges and Mills College.

During her various careers, Delaine Eastin has honed a hands-on approach to problem solving: first consulting with the staff to identify the problem, building consensus and working together to find answers and resolve obstacles, and implementing solutions. She is an energetic leader doing as she says a “full-court press” and claims to have a brass backbone. “Speak the truth even if your voice shakes.” is a Maggie Kuhn‘s quote that Delaine Eastin follows even when it is difficult.

To learn more about Delaine Eastin go to:

Delaine Eastin’s Democratic primary challengers are Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, Treasurer John Chiang, former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, and Amanda Renteria a former aide to Senator Feinstein. Republican primary candidates are Assemblyman Travis Allen and businessman John Cox.

The Progressive Democrats of Benicia will meet April 10th, at 7 p.m., in the Benicia Public Library when California State Senator Kevin de Le’on will speak about his campaign for U.S. Senate.

CA Attorney General Candidate Dave Jones Addresses Progressive Democratic Group

By Craig Snider, December 1, 2017 (Also ran in The Benicia Herald)

Current Insurance Commissioner Shares Priorities  

California 2018 Attorney General Candidate, Dave Jones, spoke at the November meeting of the Progressive Democrats of Benicia Club last Monday, with 35 people attending.   

When asked why he is running for California Attorney General, Jones said he’s been preparing for the job his whole professional life. So, when former Attorney General Kamala Harris announced she was running for Senator, Jones launched his campaign.  

Dave Jones was elected State Insurance Commissioner in 2010 and was reelected to that office in 2014 where he still serves. As Insurance Commissioner, Jones leads the Department of Insurance which works closely with state and federal prosecutors across the state to investigate and prosecute fraud and other insurance related crimes.

Jones discussed his three priorities if elected: 1. Resisting federal government efforts to undermine affordable health care, LGBT rights and Immigrant rights. 2. Promoting criminal justice reform including more transparency and accountability in policing and better integration of ex-offenders back into the community. 3. Consumer protection.

Jones noted that he is one of the only candidates who has pledged not to take campaign contributions from the Oil and Gas Industry, the Insurance Industry, Charter School PACs or Walmart.  He is the only candidate in support of SB 562 – The Healthy California Act – to provide comprehensive universal single-payer health care coverage and a health care cost control system for all Californians.

Asked whether he would defend the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) against those who would weaken it, Jones stated that California is in great need of additional housing, and that he would support making housing development easier to permit. He does, however, support environmental concerns in California.

As Insurance Commissioner, Jones leads the Department of Insurance which works closely with state and federal prosecutors across the state to investigate and prosecute fraud and other insurance related crimes. California has the largest insurance market in the United States where insurers collect over $289 billion in premiums a year. He has saved consumers over $2.6 billion in premiums by regulating insurance rates, issuing important consumer protection regulations and winning numerous court cases against the insurance industry.

California has the largest insurance market in the United States where insurers collect over $289 billion in premiums a year. He has saved consumers over $2.6 billion in premiums by regulating insurance rates, issuing important consumer protection regulations and winning numerous court cases against the insurance industry.

In addition to leadership of the Department of Insurance, his qualifications include serving in the Clinton administration for three years as a special assistant to United States Attorney General Janet Reno, representing California‘s 9th assembly district (Elk Grove/Lodi) 2004 through 2011, where he chaired three Assembly Committees including Judiciary, Health, and Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services.  Among legislative accomplishments he highlights sweeping protections for seniors and dependent adults facing abuse (Assembly Bill 1363 of 2006) and preventing HMOs and health insurers from charging men and women different rates for the same health insurance policies (Assembly Bill 119 of 2009).

Jones served over five years on the Sacramento City Council where he put into practice proven anti-crime and law enforcement strategies at the community level.

A primary goal of the Benicia Progressive Democrats is to learn which candidates for public office are most likely to secure, maintain and protect equity and justice for all people.  The club plans to support and/or endorse those candidates in the 2018 elections. To that end, the club features guest speakers at their monthly meetings to learn where candidates stand on issues.  

The next meeting of the  Progressive Democrats of Benicia Club will be January 9th at the Benicia Library, Dona Benicia Room, 7:00 p.m., where the featured speaker will be Gayle Mclaughlin, 2018 candidate for Lieutenant Governor.