Benicia City Council Candidate Forum

The Democratic candidates for Benicia City Council (in alphabetical order, and pictured from left to right) are Christina Gilpin-Hayes, Trevor Macenski (Incumbent), and Franz Rosenthal (website coming soon to (Photos provided by candidates.)

Here is a recording of the Zoom interviews and Q&A with the candidates:

Click the image to be redirected to the Zoom recording, or copy and paste into your browser.

Below are  links to the following information provided by the candidates:

Christina Gilpin-Hayes Answers to Endorsement Questions

Trevor Macenski Bio

Franz Rosenthal Bio

Franz Rosenthal Answers to Endorsement Questions

Voting in PDB’s Endorsements

As a quick reminder, only current PDB members may participate in a subsequent online poll to select which candidates the club should endorse.  Additionally, members have to have been members for sixty (60) days to become eligible to vote.  To learn more about membership in PDB, and to find more information about this upcoming forum, including the Zoom link, visit