Repost of a Benicia Communications announcement, Teri Davena
[For Progressive Democrats of Benicia recommendations, see our Endorsement page.]
Vote-by-Mail at City Hall

California’s Primary Election is Tuesday, June 5. If you’re voting by mail, you may have already received your absentee ballot.
Did you know that you can drop it off in the City Manager/City Clerk’s office at City Hall? Just place it in the secure official Vote-by-Mail ballot box.
Ballots will be picked up on a regular basis by the Solano County Registrar of Voters office until 5 p.m. on Election Day.
One new exciting change this year is that anyone from any other city or county in California may drop their ballot in this box. The Solano County Registrar of Voters will make sure it gets to the appropriate location in a timely manner. The hope is to make voting more convenient for people who work in Benicia, but do not live here.
Not voting absentee? Find info about voter registration, polling places and more on the Registrar’s website at The last day to register to vote in the Primary Election is Monday, May 21.