Dear Members and Supporters:
Michelle Pellegrin, a member of the Solano County Democratic Central Committee, has started a new committee on communications. Here is her invitation for the first meetings:
The initial meetings of the newly formed Communications Committee meeting are coming up soon. (Zoom links in the linked agenda.)
Tuesday, February 18 1:00-2:15
Saturday, February 22 1:00-2:15
In recent club, organization and town hall meetings, the topic has come up repeatedly: Outreach and involvement of new club members? Why are elected democrats not communicating better? What are our suggestions? What is your experience? Now is the chance to express this, focus and come up with something concrete.
As noted previously, there are two initial meetings so that if you can’t make one you can hopefully make the other (though you are welcome to come to both!).
At the request of participants, the length of the meetings has been shortened from two hours to 1.25 hours. The meeting room will be open until 3:00 for people who want to talk further.
At this point, no RSVP is necessary. We’ve all been talking to our friends and colleagues so please send this information to anyone who you think might be interested.
Due to the time limitation, the discussion will be focused on communication. Please look at the linked agenda for suggested topics and links.
We hope to see many of you there!