Category Archives: Progressive Democrats of Benicia

“It was a GREAT meeting!” – Progressive Dems celebrate Black History Month

Highlights – and contributions of our speakers

Our Black History Month program on February 11 brought out one of the largest crowds for a monthly PDB meeting – and surely the most beautifully diverse ethnic mix.  Around 60 members and friends attended.

As part of our Black History Month celebration, the Progressive Democrats of Benicia honored four local African-Americans for their service and dedication to our local communities:

  • Honorable Terrye D. Davis, Judge, Solano Superior Court
  • Viola Robertson, Exec. Dir., Benicia Community Action Council
  • Dr. Zoee Bartholomew, Ed.D., Commissioner, Benicia Open Government Commission and
  • Novanna (Vonnie) Hunt, Board Member, Benicia Human Services Board.

Gethsemane Moss and K. Patrice Williams moderated the program.

One of our honorees, Novanna Hunt, submitted a written record of her remarks, and co-moderator Gethsemane Moss submitted her poem.  We are proud to publish both here:

Novanna E. Hunt

Novanna (Vonnie) Hunt offered a highly significant insight into the reality of Black History here in Benicia during her lifetime.  She told of growing up and remaining a resident on Benicia’s Carolina Drive:

Black History month is a time to recognize and remember great deeds, people and accomplishments in the history of African Americans.  We have a bit of interesting and unheralded Black History right here in Benicia.

I live on Carolina Drive which was once an all African American community.  How did Carolina Drive become a black community?  The homes were built in 1954.  As the story goes the original developer fell into financial trouble and needed to sell the homes quickly.  He sold his first home to an African American family.  After that, he couldn’t sell to anyone but African Americans.  The older homes in nearby West Manor had restrictive covenants that prohibited the sale of homes in that development to African Americans.  Remember, that in the early 50’s it was tough for a Black couple to qualify for a home loan.  They had to have a significant down payment, be gainfully employed at stable jobs, have stellar credit and often references from a white person.

My mother first purchased a home on Carolina Drive in the mid-1960s. My husband and I purchased the home in 1971.  I believe it is time to dispel the myths and the prevailing warped perceptions about this neighborhood of 41 homes located just off Military and West Seventh Street.  As a fifty-year resident, I can tell you…  [continued]

Gethsemane Moss

Gethsemane Moss opened with a brief statement about her learnings during her doctoral research, “I studied the history of the negative labeling and experiences of black women.  It was during my research and review of literature that things began to make sense based on my own experiences, particularly as a young person and as a working professional. I learned that black women face a great deal of scrutiny in work settings and are constantly put in positions of having to navigate systems while considering their race and gender in order to combat stereotypes. It has helped me to put things in perspective as I continue moving forward in my life.”

Then she shared her moving poem, This Black Woman.  The lengthy work begins,

When you look at me, what do you see?
Black, Mammy, Jezebel, Sapphire, angry, uneducated, welfare?
The many lies that have been told about me, yet you never took the time to really see me.
Everyone has a story.
I am mother, a daughter, a wife, a girlfriend, a writer, an actress, a playwright a scholar, a sister, a friend!
I am not only these things for 28 or 29 days out of the year, I am these things 24 – 7 – 365!  [continued]

Getting smart about upcoming CA State legislative session

From 350 Bay Area – EVENTS
[Message from PDB Chair Ralph Dennis: “Anyone interested in going to the meeting with me, Sat. Jan. 26, 2:00 to 4:00?”  Reply to Ralph at redennis5156 at att dot net.]

JANUARY 26 @ 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

350 Bay Area is convening its first Legislative Action Committee meeting for 2019, and is inviting climate activists interested in working on state climate legislation to attend. Legislative issues expected to be discussed include electrifying transportation, pushing smart growth while preserving low income housing, protecting community choice energy, stopping fracking, and closing down California’s existing oil production.

In addition, the meeting will also focus on lobbying bills, working with our legislators, and partnering with allies.

Sierra Club Bay Chapter Office

2530 San Pablo Ave., Unit 1

350 Bay Area works to stop climate chaos by supporting clean energy and eliminating fossil fuels. Its mission is building a grassroots climate movement in the Bay Area and beyond that achieves deep reductions in carbon pollution and presses for socially equitable solutions and a just transition to clean energy. Its vision is that all who live in the Bay Area equitably share clean air, water and soil in a healthy, thriving and stable post-carbon future, benefiting all life.

PDB Meeting, November 13

General meeting of November 13, 7:00 p.m., at the Benicia Library, Dona Benicia room

Message from Ralph Dennis, Chair, November 9, 2018:

Members and Friends –

Our next meeting, and the last one for this year, is Nov. 13 at 7:00 pm, Benicia Library.   (Agenda)

Following the Club reports and related items, we’ll be discussing:

  • Elections: The Nov. 6 election results – local and national races. What happened, and what do we make of it all, in particular locally? (What’s it all about, Alfie?)
  • PDB in 2019: ideas and activities for PDB, beginning in January (then, to space and infinity, and beyond). Ok, enough song and movie references. Maybe we all needed a bit of brevity?

Both discussions are intended to be open with the audience. In fact, we hope to draw future meeting agendas from the comments and ideas provided by the members present. As well as hear any thoughts about how the Club did in 2018, suggestions, and especially anything we should be doing differently and better.

During the discussion of elections, we’ll also provide a summary of the Club’s process for election of its officers, which is scheduled for Jan. 2019 and is required by our bylaws.

As for what there is to say about the elections, we can at least vent some more – the PAC money intervention, the outrageous and nonstop and largely orchestrated comments on social media. But, that can help identify areas to address for the future – 2020, as is already started to happen. As a member recently expressed, “Heaven help us in 2020!” And, as I shared in a recent Benicia Resist! post, “If a progressive runs in 2020, you better have your own PAC.” Not to sling mud, but to counter the volume of stuff we saw on digital ads and through the postal mail. Counter, but remaining positive and on point.

This is an important meeting, as we’re talking about 2019 and how PDB should spend our time. We plan on continuing meetings every 4-5 weeks, maybe in the Library as we have mostly done of late, but maybe elsewhere (which would be less costly or even free). When you come, you can be part of the decision making as we plan out 2019, and ultimately get closer to 2020 races.

See you Tuesday, Nov. 13, Benicia Library, 7:00 pm. Be there or be square!

Ralph E. Dennis
Chair, Progressive Democrats of Benicia